HARMIN for Behavior Change

Change can transform your company
when you inspire your people to embrace new ideas with a
growth mindset.

Create Sustainable Behavior Change
With Harmin:

  • Consulting & Training
  • Digital Micro-Learning
Transform yourself from stuck

HARMIN Consulting Services

Harmin drives sustainable behavior change by proactively addressing communication and relationship challenges. Our unique Five Archetypes system approach demystifies why individuals and teams get stuck in ineffective patterns. As your Behavior Change Consultant, Carey creates individualized, simple, accessible tools and a dynamic roadmap for success. Change strategies are reinforced through Harmin’s web-based and text reminder practice programs.

HARMIN Digital Reinforcement

Harmin’s web-based learning and text reminders are designed to empower you to operate at your peak potential, fostering personal resilience to change and helping you become catalysts of excellence for others.

Customized practice modules and reminders guide you to maintain your highest potential, enabling you to make swift, impactful decisions driven by authenticity and creativity rather than fear or interpersonal differences.

A holistic approach to behavior change management so your teams thrive in transition


We offer businesses a solution to reduce toxicity in the workplace, improve morale, and increase retention and productivity amongst employees through the Five Archetypes method.

We help organizations thrive by creating individual and interpersonal resilience to change. We do this through consulting, training, and technology.

Client's testimonials

  • The Five Archetypes were a hugely valuable insight for our MBA Social Impact Fellows. The Assessment, and Carey's wise interpretations and guidance, helped these young professionals thrive in a extremely difficult context.
    Founder & CEO Inspiring Capital
  • Carey is improving lives immediately and dramatically through her explanation of the Five Archetypes and the way that she helps people understand them.
    NUSHU Society Founder
  •  THANK YOU!!! The workshop was really wonderful – warm, welcoming, and insightful. My only regret is not having it last longer!
    Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Rehearsal Director

Our Clients