Test Quiz11/07/2020 Published by harminadmin at 10/23/2020 Categories Tags Questionnaire Instructions: Avoid distractions: The assessment takes about 10 minutes. Think broadly: Reflect on each phrase based on your past three months. Be objective: Avoid "I should" thinking, accurate answers lead to a more precise personalized Harmin Growth Positioning System action plan. Follow through: Upon completion, check your email for a link to your results. Click "Next" to begin. *This assessment is based on the research and copyrighted work of Stephen Cowan, M.D. The results include research and copyrighted work of Carey Davidson. I openly discuss my achievements Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I fearlessly express my opinions Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I like to question authority Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I am quick to express my opinions Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I am comfortable with conflict Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I take pride in being first, best, fastest Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I might cheat to win Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I learn by trying instead of talking about it Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I'm not afraid of uncertainty Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I like to do things fast Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I will act boldly and decisively regardless of what others say or think Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I adapt quickly to new situations Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I tend to be impatient with others when they hold me back Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I like to seek out challenges Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I enjoy taking risks Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I like to test the rules Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I enjoy the pressure of competition Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I prefer to lead more than I like to follow others Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I can become angry quickly when I'm stressed Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I feel confident acting assertively Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I get excited easily Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always When I'm having fun others think I'm delightful to be around Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I tend to feel emotions intensely Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I look for stimulation because I don't like to be bored Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always It is easy for me to feel the same emotions as other people around me are feeling Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I believe what others say about me - the good and the bad Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I'm very passionate about things I like Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I get very animated when I'm excited about something Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I can use my charm to get what I want Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I enjoy being irresistible to others Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I love being rewarded for things I've done Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I laugh easily Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I'm very sensitive so when I'm upset people say I'm overly dramatic Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I complain I can't do it when I'm stressed Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I enjoy sharing intimate details of my life Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I don't like feeling sad Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I don't like it when other people feel sad Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I am comfortable showing affection to people I don't know very well Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always It is easy for me to share my deepest desires Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I tend to avoid doing activities I don't think are fun Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I like knowing that people consider me to be a nurturer Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I don't like when anyone is left out Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I can become indecisive when stressed Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I like to introduce people who have a lot in common Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I tend to be the peacemaker Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always It feels good to show my concern for others Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I can imagine what others need Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I like my house to be a hub of activity for people Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I like to make people feel welcome Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I'm regarded as a team player Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I tend to go along with what others say Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I can become worried that others may not need me Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I like to teach and learn through stories Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I am a natural at fitting in Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I can talk too much when I want people around me to feel comfortable Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I will put others' needs before mine Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I don't like when people aren't getting along Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I tend to have a hard time falling asleep when I'm overwhelmed or worried Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I like getting involved in other people's lives Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I ask people personal questions to show I care about them Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I try to make things perfect Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I tend to get over stuck on the details when I'm stressed Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I have a specific way I do things Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always It's important to me that my decisions are based on logic Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I have high expectations Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I am committed to my moral standards Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I am meticulous Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I tend to be judgmental and critical of myself and others Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I don't like to go to sleep with a messy house Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I prefer when things go according to plan Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I keep my emotions in check, displaying my inner feelings in a reserved fashion Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I prefer when everyone plays by the same rules Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I have a deep sense of satisfaction when everything is in its place Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I tend to get stuck in details when stressed Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I can get fixated on being right Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I don't like change, I prefer consistency Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I have a knack for recognizing good taste Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I can get fixated on why something bad happened rather than just letting it go Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I love to design with details Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I tend to get stuck on what's wrong instead of what's right Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I can get lost in my imagination Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I seek knowledge and deep meaning Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I'm a dreamer Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I take time to react to situations Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I don't like to do things fast Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I prefer to figure out things for myself Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I don't like the spotlight Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I prefer being alone more than socializing too much Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I take my time getting started Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I'm suspicious of other people Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I lose track of time Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I'm considered by others to be weird or eccentric Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I tend to withdraw when I'm stressed because I don't want to talk Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I prefer to keep my feelings and opinions private Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I can be stubborn and headstrong Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I often fear the worst Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always People find me hard to read Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always People say I'm more of a realist than an optimist Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I can get so caught up in a book or activity at night that I forget to go to sleep Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I take my time getting to know people before starting relationships Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Click Submit to see your results! 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