TWellness Assessment B08/02/2023Fire Metal Tie03/13/2024 Published by harminadmin at 03/13/2024 Categories Tags Which option best describes your preference when you feel irritable: I still enjoy sharing the exciting and good news I have about my life with other people because it's easy for me to bounce back. I hesitate to share great news about myself because I'm worried it might inadvertently make other people feel bad. I rather believe I should be asking about their experiences instead of boasting about mine. Which option best describes your tendency when someone shares a challenge they're having? Are you more likely to sympathize with their discomfort and try and cheer them up? Are you more likely to jump right in and begin helping them problem-solve? Which option best describes how you're most likely to engage at a social event? Are you more likely to engage in joyous, smiley interactions with several people without intending to invest in long-term relationships with them? Do you prefer investing in building connections, planning follow-ups, and introducing them to others who could offer support, thereby strengthening relationships over time? Which option best describes what helps you feel better when you believe you've let someone down? Do you find more comfort in teaching someone else something you're good at? Do you find more comfort in engaging in cleaning, or organizing something? Which option best describes what you find more challenging when feeling insecure? Do you find it more challenging if people don't acknowledge how painful your emotions feel at that moment? Do you find it worse if people don't spend time listening to your suggestions and responding to your questions? Click Submit to see your results! Time is Up! Time's up Share0 harminadmin